Bill & Rosemarie Welcome you to our Family Picture Album
Rosemarie, Judah, Eric & Santa
Merry Christmas
We hope you will enjoy our Christmas Card on line. We can really show you our wonderful family this way.
Our children Ron, Shawn, Lori, Billy & Tye with their Wifes & Our Grandchildren
Bill and Rosemarie at Lake Tahoe at North Star. We love to ski.
Who said cold weather was all bad?
On the Gondola at Heavenly/Lake Tahoe
Our children are all doing great. Here are some photos oldest to youngest.
Ron & Laura
Brittney & Ronnie
Grandpa with Brittney & Ronnie
Mema with Brittney
Mema with Ronnie
Shawn, Glenda, Kayl & Cedar
Kayl, Cedar, Shawn & Glenda with Grandpa on our annual hiking trip near Las Vegas
Kayl, Cedar, Shawn & Glenda with Mema at the Hilton in Las Vegas
Kayl, Cedar, & with Mema
Lori & Bill
Lori & Austin
Austin at Big Bear
Lori, Bill & Austin at one of our many outings
Billy, Kelly, Alyssa, Rachel. & Claire
Rachel, Claire, & Alyssa.
Rachel, Claire, Alyssa Billy & Kelly with Grandma & Grandpa Mitrione.
Tye, Lori, Hailey & Coral.
Grandpa, Mema, Hailey & Coral
Great Grandparents Marie & Tony Mitrione, Grandpa, Tye, Mema, Hailey & Coral
Shawn & Tye & families With Great Grandma Joyce Smith
Enjoy The Collage
The Album Would Not Be Complete Without Lacey And Her Brothers.
Lacey & Noah
Baby Josh
Bill &His First Born Diane
Diane & Her Son, Our Grandson Bobby & Rosemarie
The best halloween ever. My brother Tony and his wife Shirley visited us.
We had a ball. Here we are with Austin & Brittney.
Bill is in the white mask.
Imagination Express ALL-ABOARD! These are the people who help my spirit fly
Emmelene, Judah & Eric.
Rosemarie Birthday Rosemarie & Grandchildren
Its Fun To Be Mae(me)
We lost two people we love this year. My wonderful Aunt Emma.
We shared the same birthday.
I well miss her loving presencs in my life.
We also lost our dear friend Jeri Lloyd.
She was an amazing woman.
Her attributes were overwhelming love, kindness,& acceptance.
She is one of my dearest friends.
Her spirit is always present with us.
We hope you and yours are blessed with wonderful life experiences,
and the fortitude to handle the ones that are more challenging.
I like to quote Robert Schuller, "Keep a big smile plastered on your face,
it's hard to stay in a bad mood that way."
And also He says "Remember God Loves You And So Do We."
Have a Fabulous New Year & May God Bless You